Sunday, June 30, 2019

Can gold prices decrease over a long period of time

Only the financial authorities can truthful anwer that question. My opinion is that gold prices can not decrease much more for a long period of time (months and longer) That is an opinion, not the right answer. To understand me, read my long answer please.
The answers have been written for other topics. You have to “translate” it to your question. Not everything is meant for your question. Do yourself a favor, read until
It is not that simple to answer this question in a few words, because there are a two oposite forces that influance the price of gold.
I will mix old answers with new written words to win time.
There is a differance between the price and the purchasing power. The purchasing power of gold stays more or less the same over the period of thousands of years. The purchasing power of fiat currencies like $$$ or €€€ or every odther fiat currency looses its purchasing power over time.

The answer have been written for an other topic. You have to “translate” it to your question.
Which would you take if you were given a choice of either $1,000,000 in cash or $1,000,000 in gold?
To be honest, I do not hesitate for one second. I would go for the gold. I explain why.
$1,000,000 is so large that it would takes yearssss to spend the money if one live frugal.
In the 1970’s there was a soap that was called “the six million dollar man”. It was a astronaut that had a terrible accident, but with the help of advanced technology and loads of money, he was rebuild and changed in a superstrong man that worked for the government.
What I want to say is that six million dollar was in those days an astronomic high number, a bit like six billion is today. Now it is “just” a big number.
The inflation eats the purchase power of the $1,000,000 in cash.
On the other hand, no matter what they say about gold. In Roman time, in the 19e century and today, one can buy a handmade suit for one ounce of gold. Inflation have no effect on the purchase power of gold in the long run.
Let us say that I could buy about 770 ounces of gold with the $1,000,000 and I estimate that I will use 100 years to spend that gold. That means that I allow myself to sell every year 7.7 ounces of gold per year and there will be still a lot of gold when I die. By the way, I am old enough to make that 50 years and spend 15 ounces of gold every year.
If inflation hits at a rate of 10% for ten years or so, like in the 1970’s was the case, I can still have the same lifestyle of today. With the $1,000,000 in cash, it will be impossible.
I do not give financial advice. You have to act on your own responsibility.
The finanacial authorities knows the fact I talked about above, but do not want Joe Sixpac to own gold.
And that gives us the second main power that influance the price of gold.
Again follows an “old” answer.
To my great regret (and that is true !!) I have to conclude that I am right again in my statement that technical (and fundamental) analyzes in precious metals are completely worthless.
Please note that the people who perform and publish the analyzes are often competent and reliable people. I respect those people and their great efforts. I therefore ask those involved not to feel "accused" or "bad".
Where silver still cost € 430 a few days or weeks ago, the price has dropped to € 418 at the time of writing.
As far as I believe, it are the financial authorities who, with loads of money, control the price of precious metals. That happens in the futures market.
By making clever use of technical analysis, they can make people hope (and I did hope to) that the price of precious metals will finally pick up, and then turn that hope into despair by artificially reducing the price. .
The reason is that the financial authorities would rather not have the small investor own precious metals. It is better for them that the small investor puts his money in debt paper that hardly yields any interest. But there are signs that gold has great value within their closed circle and plays an important role in the financial system.
The best way to hunt people out of precious metals is to first give hope for higher prices and then to lower the price.
One and a half billion dollars with one go is sometimes used to discourage people from investing even more in precious metals. No small investor can compete with that.
The only thing that the small investor can do is monthly (or yearly) purchase a small amount of precious metal and wisely "forget" that it was bought.
But don't get caught. Never let yourself be convinced that silver is "worth nothing". Whether gold is worth anything. The financial authorities are making too much effort to controle the price to believe that it is "worth nothing." And if you believe it would be worth nothing, send it to me. I will gladly pay the shipping costs.
Those two facts makes people wonder if they should buy gold or not. Gold holds its purchasing power over thousands of years, but the price goes down. Has gold lost its ability to keep its purchasing power?
I do not believe that gold looses its purchasing power over the long run. However one should know how en especialy what to buy.
Do not buy any gold that one can not hold in ones hands ! No ETF’s as an example. No goldaccount in a bank, etc. Non of those possibilities hold real gold, but only futures on gold. Futures are promisses, but there are 100 times more promisses sold, than there is real gold avalible.
If you have a family member or a friend that promisse so much, that he or she never can commite to those promisses, do you still take those promisses seriously? I do not.
So you should own only PHYSICAL precious metals.
Again an “old” answer
Who say it is a bad idea ?
Let me suggest that you make your own study. Let me put you on the way with the study I made with silver.
You can replace the word “silver” by the word “gold”.
4. Another piece of advice I always give is to buy 1 ounce of PHYSICAL silver each month and keep it until the day you retire. In the long run you will have profits. You will not easily sell the silver for other purposes (very important), so you will have your own retirement capital, even if it is a relatively small sum of money. If you are 20 years of age, you have lived for 240 months and you should have 240 ounces of physical silver. One ounce of silver costs now more or less $20, so you should not feel the buy in your budget, even if you have to buy two ounces for the next 240 months, because you started too late with that idea.
About the price of silver I can say, that I made a study that anybody can make for oneself and I can asure you that in the long run the changes on profit are bigger than the changes on loss.
I pretend to buy every year 12 onces of silver at the end of the year (to make it more visual understandable). I pretend to start in 1979, because silver hit a price of $50 to drop with 90% a few years later and to never hit the price of $50 again for the next 30 years or so. Will there be profit, yes or no?
From 1979 until 1999 I use USD ($). Later on I use EUR (€) Up to you to use your currency or to pretend that €1 equals $1. This will not infuence the overall result of the study.
Even in this exceptionally bad situation one hits finally profits.
One should not be too worried about the value of ones silver investment in the long run if one buy every month 1 or more ounce(s) of silver.
(As you can read, I prefere silver over gold, but that is of no importance for you)
Remember the saying: “Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of noble men, fiat currencies like dollar or euro is the money of ordinary men, debt is the money of slaves.“
I do not give financial advice. You have to act on your own responsibility.

Lives in Brugge, Belgium (1960-present)


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