Sunday, June 30, 2019

Can gold prices decrease over a long period of time

Only the financial authorities can truthful anwer that question. My opinion is that gold prices can not decrease much more for a long period of time (months and longer) That is an opinion, not the right answer. To understand me, read my long answer please.
The answers have been written for other topics. You have to “translate” it to your question. Not everything is meant for your question. Do yourself a favor, read until
It is not that simple to answer this question in a few words, because there are a two oposite forces that influance the price of gold.
I will mix old answers with new written words to win time.
There is a differance between the price and the purchasing power. The purchasing power of gold stays more or less the same over the period of thousands of years. The purchasing power of fiat currencies like $$$ or €€€ or every odther fiat currency looses its purchasing power over time.